Our Work
A quality deer mount can bring the enjoyment and memories of a hunt back any time you look at it, even if hunting seasons are closed and opening day seems like its years away. A deer doesn’t have to be a huge trophy to look appealing on the wall and take you back to the experience of the day you harvested your animal.
What counts is that the animal has special personal meaning for you, or your son or daughter. And that is our job as your taxidermist!
Field Care Guide for Your Trophy
Unfortunately, every deer season, after hunters bag their animal they want to display on the wall, they discover they have made major errors in taking care of the animal before bringing to the taxidermist.
Think About Your Mount
Never Slit The Throat
Moving and Loading
How To Dress Your Animal
Will you cape my animal for me?

Our Pricing
A quality deer shoulder mount will truly represent the deer you shot and evoke the memories of that special day for decades to come. Every time you look at the mount, it will evoke that moment … that time when the trophy stepped out and you emotions took over your body.
If you want a quality mount that will truly represent the deer you shot, be careful. The cheapest price on deer taxidermy can be an indicator of poor quality or low experience. We have invested in a large new shop featuring hundreds of mounts in our showroom — we want you to come in and see our high quality work and take the time to pick out the exact mount you want.
Below you will find our basic pricing, if you need a quote on something in particular, please send us a message through our contact form or give us a call.